The Advantages of Crypton Fabric
Posted by Toto Fabrics on
In the textile industry, Crypton fabric is one of most amazing fabrics of the past century. While it started out to be much less comfortable, processes have improved since it was introduced in 1993 so that many soft fabrics can go through the Crypton process and come out with all the advantages mentioned below.
So what makes these modern upholstery fabrics so amazing, and why does it work so well in many applications?
It’s Resistant: You know, when we start going down this list we start to wonder why everything in our lives isn’t made from Crypton fabric! First of all, it’s moisture resistant, so liquids just bead up on it so that you can wipe it away. It also resists stains, mildew, bacteria, and odor.
It’s Permanent: The process to turn fabrics into Crypton fabric isn’t a spray-on application or a dip or anything like that. The process involves introducing the Crypton copolymer to the fabric so that it actually becomes part of the fabric and cannot be removed. This attribute makes it a perfect solution in instances where a fabric has to stand up to harsh cleaners or when antimicrobial finishes are later applied.
It’s Environmentally Friendly: All of this and it’s pretty darn green, too! Crypton doesn’t use “chemicals” in the traditional sense, and it contains no VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) or formaldehyde.
Kind of makes you want buy stock in Crypton, doesn’t it? If not, maybe just some Crypton fabric, then? We can handle that second request! Check out our great selection of Crypton fabric and fabric remnants right here!
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