Where Do Fabric Remnants From a Wholesale Fabric Supplier Come From?
Posted by Toto Fabrics on
Are you into fabric remnants? Considering the amazing deals you can get on them, lots of people are. Most of them realize that just because something isn’t made anymore doesn’t mean it’s out of style! So where do fabric remnants come from?
Constant turnover: Cloth styles are popular and can stick around for years...but specific cloth patterns are retired all the time. Whether we’re talking about cloth for clothing or designer upholstery fabric, fashion will always look to the future in order to get people to buy the latest and greatest. So when we’re down the the last few yards of something, it becomes a bargain while still being as beautiful as ever.
The Supplier Goes Out Of Business: While we’ve established relationships with top manufactures in order to get our modern upholstery fabric, and there are times when a supplier simply goes out of business. In this case, everything eventually becomes a remnant as we sell the bulk of it and there’s no chance of resupply.
We Buy Them From Another Store: We have to admit it, fabric remnants can be hard work. We have to have the space for them, keep them in our inventory, and cut and ship them even if we can’t sell that much of it (they’re remnants, after all!) But we love fabric and want to make sure it gets its full use, so sometimes we buy from other shops that just don’t want it around anymore (that’s why every so often you’ll see “unknown fabric” on one of our fabric remnants).
What it comes down to when you’re buying fabric remnants from a wholesale fabric supplier is this: If you like it, you like it, so buy it! And buy it now, because once fabric remnants are gone they’re gone for good. Shop for remnants right here.
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